Thursday, November 26, 2009


Fundraiser Time Begins...
I have recently learned the art of making tutus from my best friend, Karrie. Im very excited about making this into a fundraiser for bringing our little Olga home!

Gracie was a great helper and decided to model for me (see sidebar for picture). I have made several already and super excited about making more.

Please let me know by email if you would like to purchase a tutu and help us in our adoption process. The price of the tutus are $20.00 each (shipping included).Turn around time is 1 week or less. Email me at, and let me know the following info.
1.Aprrox waist measurement of child.
2. Up to 3 colors you would like.
3.Any other specifics you may have.

We are very excited for this fundraiser to begin and hope to do even more in the near future. These are the perfect gift for little girls!!!!

We have also donated a tutu to Sarah is doing alot on her site to help bring home Duncan, who is also a special child wanting to come home.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Paperwork Begins

Today I received an email from RR with the start of our paperwork.
How Exciting!!!
I also printed off the 45 page "How to" guide for the paperwork. Everytime we check something off or move onto the next step, its such an awesome feeling knowing that we are guided by Him and we are one step closer to bringing her home.

Please keep us in your prayers, we will have our home visit next week. Hopefully everything will go smoothly and we will be finishing up the homestudy.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Exciting News

Just found out we may be getting more pictures and current information on little miss Olga. There is a family in the same country adopting a child from Olga's orphanange. I was able to communicate with them via email and their translator is going to help them meet Olga and spend some time with her. Thank You Jesus!!!!

We are soo excited to learn more about this little girl that love overflows for. We are eager to learn about who she is and what she likes/dislikes. Noah and Gracie are also asking questions daily about her and this morning Gracie woke up and the first thing she said was "Is Olga awake right now". Bless her heart, she keeps trying to figure out her little sissys time zone.

Yesterday we went for our firt homestudy appointment. It went very well. The social worker was excellent, very open about her expectation, excited about our journey with a special needs child, and understanding of the urgency of getting the homestudy finished in December. We have our parental questionaire finished and ready to email to her tomorrow. She said the home visit would be scheduled a few days after she receieved that. Very exciting!!!

We are getting passport pictures done tomorrow and the physicals and immunizations will be scheduled tomorrow also. Trying my best to keep everything in check, making my to do lists and find an overwhelming satisfaction when I check mark things done!!!

Joe and I have discussed fundraiser ideas. So soon we will post what and when those will be. I also have made tutus and they are very fun to make, so I may start selling those to assist us. Any ideas welcomed by the way.

Will keep you updated on our progress and any new information about Adelee Olga will be posted asap
In Him,

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Journey Begins

We are so excited....
Joe and I have decided to take the leap of faith and adopt. It has weighed on our hearts for years now but we have always pushed it aside. Thoughts of impossibility would far outweigh the constant nudging of our hearts.
Adelee Olga is waiting for us in an orphanage in Eastern Europe. Back home, Noah and Gracie are impatiently waiting for her. The love in Noah's eyes when he talks about her overwhelms me. He has such an awesome heart! Gracie is slightly confused as to why she is not here with us now, but already willing to give of her heart and toys!
She is such a special child. She has Down Syndrome with an oval window of the heart and hypothyroidism. But we are determined to not let this be her label. To definitely not let this be her only story. We feel so blessed to know she is waiting on us to come get her. The love that we have for her already is amazing.
The process of our home study is underway and should be done in December. If all goes well we are told we should travel in March or April. The process for special needs children is faster because of the urgency to find them forever families.
We are hoping to keep family and friends updated through the blog and let you in on this amazing journey that God is leading us on